Saturday, 7 January 2012

Im Fine*

* Fucked Up Insecure and Neurotic

I did not see it coming, it just hit me with such ferocity that I was completely unable to function.  Yes I had suffered from depression throughout my adult life but this time I could not shake it off.  It was as if my body was diseased, it began to affect everything and slowly the depression took over me I was unable to fight it anymore.  For the first time in my life I gave up my fight and let the depression wash over me.

I was so ashamed of what I felt, I saw it as a failing so I hid my depression, I was a master at hiding my true feelings.  If anyone asked how I was, I would answer fine but inside I felt absolute despair.  My life felt hopeless and I felt so helpless and so absolutely alone.  I longed for someone to hold my hand and make everything better but as my depression grew in severity I grew more and more withdrawn.

It was the end of July / early August 2010.  We had had a particularly difficult few months.  My son Seths behavior was at its up most worst and I was still finding it difficult to be with him.  I was not sleeping Kenny and I were taking turns to stay up all night will him, I was juggling family life, working part time and trying to shake off post natal depression my life had become too much.

I had stopped living and was merely operating on automatic pilot.  I was able to maintain general day to day routines but I was absolutely exhausted mentally and physically.  If anyone questioned my mood or how I was feeling I would tell them Im fine.  I felt that people did not really want to know the truth, it was blatantly obvious that I was anything but Fine but when you tell someone you are fine they dont usually question you any further. 

I am a very proud and private person and the thought of anyone discovering the truth was devastating.  So instead I swallowed down my emotions and got on with it.  But all the while I would fantasies about killing myself.  I did not want to die, not really but my life felt such absolute and utter despair.  I felt so isolated and alone and in so much pain that I just did not want to continue living.

It was at this time that I began self harming (which in hindsight was a desperate cry for help). 

What started as a potential suicide attempt became a painful addiction.  I knew my depression was spiraling out of control but felt that no one could help me or even cared about me.  I had tried contacting my doctors on a number of occasions but everyday I was told there were no appointments available and to ring again the next day, I telephoned my health visitor who was unable to see my for a week and left a message for my NHS counselor who told me that I was not entitled to anymore sessions and she would put me down for a depression group once a place became available.

With the belief that ending my life would be better that continuing living with the pain I found myself in our family bathroom with a kitchen knife against my wrist.  As I looked at myself in the mirror I didnt recognise the woman looking back, she was pale with massive black bags under her eyes.  Her once sparkling blue eyes were empty.  All hope, excitement, lust for life had disappeared.

I took a deep breath and started to cut my wrist.  I couldnt believe it, the knife was blunt - how ironic my husband is a butcher but we had no sharp knifes

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